B2B, B2C and C2C. Do we really know the meanings of these concepts that we often hear in our daily lives? In this article, we will analyze the meanings of all these concepts with examples, and analyze how they can evolve. Let's start!
What is B2B Business Model?
The concept of "Business to Business", in Turkish, "Company to Company" is a short definition that expresses the marketing or sales practices that companies carry out among themselves. Companies operating in the B2B field basically work with the principle of improving each other's services. The main situations in which the B2B business model emerges are:
Raw material trade: A business supplies the products it needs during the production process from another business. Example: A shoe manufacturing company procures products from a leather wholesaler.
Collaborations established for operational reasons: A business may receive support from another business at a point where its own competence is insufficient. Example: A business that is inadequate in the field of human resources works with a business that provides consultancy services in this area.
Wholesaler-retailer business model: A business may sell its products wholesale to a retail business. Example: Collaborations established by market chains with suppliers in many different product lines.
In fact, all companies have to implement the B2B business model in order to continue their production activities. One of the most appropriate examples to examine at this point is the production process of an automobile. A car is made up of thousands of different parts, from tires to electronics. The manufacturer, which purchases all these parts from many different suppliers, presents the product to the consumers after finalizing it. At this point, the business model established by the main manufacturer with the suppliers is one of the clearest examples of the B2B business model. In other words, when you actually buy a car, you're probably buying dozens or even hundreds of brands.
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